Monday, September 17, 2012

Using Financial Aid to your Advantage

    Financial aid is a great thing for students. Yes, most of it goes to the school, but if you know what your doing you could have some spending money for the semester. One great way to help with getting the most out of your financial aid is to be aware of costs at your school of choice. I know at Washburn everyone wants to live in the LLC, which is the nicest dormitory on campus. Most students here dont know that by living in one of the less popular, Kuehne or West, yet newly remodeled buildings you save almost 300 dollars. So being aware of that sort of thing can really help.
    Another thing on campus to be thouroughly aware of is the meal plans. The most expensive meal plan isnt always what you need, some include way more meals a week than you need, and you can usually have no problem staying within budget on the smaller one. which can also save you hundreds of dollars.
    Saving a couple hundred dollars here and there will suprise you on how much you are eligible for your refund. Some kids can get up to almost 3,000 dollars back from financial aid. When you get this much back there are two main options. You can keep the money, or you can lower your loans so you wont owe as much back. If you pay your loans back thats great, but I would suggest keeping a little to get things you need.
    If you keep the money I suggest you go put it in the bank and divide it into how much you can spend each month for the duration of the semester. That way you will have a monthly allowance to spend on things you need or want, and it will last until the end of semester.


  1. I lived in the dorms last year and we were required to have the dining meal plan. I got the cheapest one and still had money they made me spend at the end of the year because if you don't spend it, they take it away! That's a huge problem a lot of students hate with how the meal plans are set up. I am glad you are informing college students about saving money because we all have spending problems! However, I don't qualify for financial aide so I am always looking for ways to save money!

  2. I would like some clarification on how the refunds work. I don't have student loans, so I didn't know that was possible.

    Really fascinating, though.


  3. I've never lived in a dorm, but this does sound interesting!
