Wednesday, August 22, 2012


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     Hey! My name is Cali Portenier, and I am the certified author of this blog. Now, If you are anything like me college is a time of asking your parents for gas money to get home, eating Ramen because its all you can afford, and I know plenty of people that wear clothes twice to save costs on laundry! I think it is fair to say that a good portion of college kids are broke. It seems that having no money during college in inevitable, but that is not one hundred percent true.

     In this blog I am going to supply weekly tips on how to have some money during those brutal college years. I will tell you not only how to manage your money better, but even to maybe make some while being a full time student. I personally feel that money management is a hard thing to master while worrying about classes, homework, and grades, but fear not, for it can be done! I'm not going to tell you how to pick winning lottery numbers, or strike gold. I'm going to give you some small saving tips that in the end will make a big difference!

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